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I was at a family gathering, but standing very quietly in a corner. I saw everyone entering with a smile. I greeted each of them with a normal yet beautiful smile. But my mind was stuck somewhere else. Still, I managed to smile.

I was in my study completing some important work. I was working since morning; my head was now blasting with pain and my mom suddenly entered with a cup of piping hot tea instilling a glad sense of relief within me. I smiled at her as if she had poured a blessing upon me and she smiled back reacting to my satisfied face. I was extremely tired at that time but I still managed to smile.Visit our partners,shoes – leaders in fashionable footwear!

I was walking down the street to pick up some groceries. Numerous people looked at me on the way and smiled. I was present on the street physically but my mind was wandering somewhere in another world. Still, I managed to pass a smile that probably made others feel good.

I was told to look for something in mom’s room. I was doing the allotted work in an organised way to not mess up the entire setting of the room. Still, a misunderstanding made her yell at me. But I not leaving my expressions behind passed a quiet and calm smile. It was morning. I woke up with an early morning fresh yet sleepy face. I opened the curtains and the sun rays fell on my face. Though, it was difficult to smile looking at the rays but I did by closing my eyes. I yet again managed to smile.

“SMILE”——- You do smile in almost every situation. You smile right after crying with your moist eyes and relax your aching throat. You smile in when suddenly someone’s fond memory passes your mind. You smile in happiness. You smile to calm yourself. You smile to hide your hurt deep inside your heart. You smile to make someone feel good. You smile when you do not have an idea on how to react in a certain situation. At last, the smile on your face becomes your saviour.

“Just a smile can change the world. Though, not the world in general, that would take time
but it does change your life and your life should be your whole world.” Your expressions are what you wear whenever you go somewhere so make sure you wear or carry a beautiful smile along with you because that would make the world a better place to live.
I hope you smiled while tasting the joy of reading today! Pass this smile to whoever you feel
needs it today!

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