The journey of a Police Officer!

…Excerpts from the life of ACP Rakesh Kumar Sharma There is always a story behind every successful person you see today. People who are at a high post or people who make big careers and have respect in society do not attain that by luck alone, it’s always a very big journey filled with their […]

“Look how old fashioned she is that she came to university wearing a salwar kameez.” “Huh! How extra modern these girls are? They are wearing such short shorts. If they would have been shorter than it could have become a bikini with a crop top.” “We never wear these clothes. We come wearing something between […]
Life of an Army Man

“Beti tainu main ikk gal dassan…Hale tak sadde gharon mainu chhad ke koi vi Army che nai gaya. Army chee rehne da hor maja seeya. Meri sver subah panj vaje tey raat shaami atth vaje hi ho jaandi si. Siren di avajaan, durr durr tak main tey saare jawan dharti maa ki godh si thandak […]

I was at a family gathering, but standing very quietly in a corner. I saw everyone entering with a smile. I greeted each of them with a normal yet beautiful smile. But my mind was stuck somewhere else. Still, I managed to smile. I was in my study completing some important work. I was working […]

Life is all about making a choice at every moment. Each day when you wake up, you wake up with a choice that you have made for that day. We, in fact are a product of our choices. Choices can be good or bad, right, or wrong but these choices shape our future. One needs […]

There are 788.84 crore people in the world and 140.76 crores people in India as per the reports that were released in 2021. One of these crores of people living in India is Srishti who is just like any other girl you may find next door. What is so special about her story then? Umm… […]
मेरी रानी- नानी..

जिस बाग में रौनक थी, आज वो खाली है वो एक कमरा जहाँ सौ-सौ मुस्कानें थी, आज वो खाली है। “बच्ची”- उस आवाज़ ने पुकारा… मुड़कर देखा तो जाना अब मेरी झोली खाली है। अब ना वो प्यारी सी मुस्कान है, ना वो रौनक है। वक्त ने अपनी चाबुक को कुछ यूँ घुमाया की ये […]